I have been on a rockin' healthy diet since my last post, and I got the P90X in the mail yesterday. I fully expect to be in a wheelchair by tomorrow evening, but man am I going to look GOOD in it! I am reading a couple of books right now, as well as some biblical commentary for my Sunday School class. I am working full time, my kids started back to school, and soccer, and girlscouts, etc. And I have to carpool for the time being. I want to write, I want to blog, I want to get some shopping done... and housework.... sort of. These are just some very full days and I'm struggling to balance it all in a time efficient manner.
But most of all, I'm missing my husband. He has had to travel 1800 miles away to seek contract work, because there is nothing opening up here. He finally got his video chat working today, and the kids are finally able to see him. It's a very good thing, because I think this is the first day my daughter didn't cry herself to sleep in three weeks. This is the longest we've been away from each other in 11 1/2 years of marriage. And the earliest we will be able to see him may be the end of September; if not then, it will be Thanksgiving before he can visit.
So little time, so much time.
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